New coastal marine management research scholarship
15 February 2021 | Students News
Passionate about the marine environment? A new postgraduate scholarship to support coastal marine management research is on offer in 2021.
Lincoln University is co-leading research into law, policy and practice options to bring about ecosystem-based management (EBM) for Aotearoa New Zealand’s coastal marine area, funded by the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge.
The Challenge addresses the question of how can we best develop our marine economy, while protecting the taonga of our marine environment.
The $24,000 Lincoln University Master of Applied Science Research Scholarship will be offered to a student(s) studying for a Master of Applied Science (Environmental Management) degree at Lincoln University.
Students with an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in environmental management, environmental law, environmental psychology, or environmental policy should apply.
If you are keen to make a difference to our coastal environment then get your application in soon as the closing date is 26 March.
Image: Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge mussel research in Ohiwa Harbour. Photo Dave Allen.