至少相当于IELTS4.0 水平,(但学生不需要一定考IELTS)
- 中国高中毕业文凭,3年平均成绩65%(不含语文、英语和政治) 或;
- 完成高二课程,2年平均成绩70%以上(不含语文、英语和政治) 或;
- 新西兰高中 58 NCEA credits at Level 2 or higher (including
30 credits over three approved subjects plus UE literacy and numeracy) (需完成新西兰高中十三年级课程)
- IELTS(A) 5.0, 单项不低于5.0
- TOFEL iBT35 with writing score of 14
- Lincoln EAP 55%
- NZCEL Level 3 (General, Workplace or Academic Endorsement)
- PTE 36 overall score with no communicative score of less than 36
- Language Cert: B1 Achiever IESOL (LRWS) with PASS and no less than Pass in each skill
大一直通车文凭 (3学期制)
- 中国高中毕业文凭3年至少4门学术课程平均成绩70%以上(不含语
文、英语和政治) 或;
- 中国高考成绩总分60%-64% 或;
- 新西兰高中 32 NCEA credits at Level 3 or higher (including
20 credits over two approved subjects with a minimum of 10 credits in each subject, plus UE literacy and numeracy)
- IELTS(A) 5.5 (写作和阅读5.5,其他单项不低于5.0)
- TOFEL iBT46 (writing score 18)
- LU EAP 60%
- NZCEL Level 4 (General, Workplace or Academic
- PTE 42 overall score, with at least 42 in Reading and Writing and at least 36 in other communicative skills
- Language Cert: B2 Communicator IESOL (LRWS) with PASS
and no less than Pass in each skill
大学直通车文凭 (2学期制)
- 中国高中毕业文凭3年至少4门学术课程平均成绩80%以上(不含语
文、英语和政治) 或;
- 中国高考成绩总分65%-69% 或;
- 中国高中毕业,完成大一课程 或;
- 新西兰高中 38 NCEA credits at Level 3 or higher (including three
approved subjects with a minimum of 10 credits in each subject, plus UE literacy and numeracy
- IELTS(A) 5.5 (单项不低于5.5)
- TOFEL iBT53 (writing score 18)
- LU EAP 60% with no individual component less than 60%
- NZCEL Level 4 (General, Workplace or Academic
- PTE 42 overall score - with no communicative skill less than 42
- Language Cert: B2 Communicator IESOL (LRWS) with HIGH PASS and no less than Pass in each skill
专科文凭 (职业技术类
- IELTS(A) 6.0 (单项不低于5.5)
- TOFEL iBT60 (writing score 18)
- LU EAP 65%
- NZCEL Level 4 (Academic Endorsement)
- PTE 50 overall score - with no communicative skill less than 42
- Language Cert: C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS) with PASS and no less than Pass in each skill
- 中国高中毕业,完成本科大一,或者专科二年,平均成绩70%以上 或;
- 中国高考成绩总分70%以上 或;
- 新西兰 University Entrance qualification
- 认可的3年全日制中国大专相关学术成绩 75%以上 或;
- 本科学士学位
大学学士后文凭 - 商业
- IELTS(A) 6.0 (单项不低于5.5)
- TOFEL iBT60 (writing score 18)
- LU EAP 65%
- NZCEL Level 4 (Academic Endorsement)
- PTE 50 overall score - with no communicative skill less than 42
- Language Cert: C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS) with PASS and no less
than Pass in each skill
其他大学学士后文凭,研究生, 硕士, 博士课程
- IELTS(A) 6.5 (单项不低于6.0)
- TOFEL iBT80 (writing score 21) and speaking score 18
- GCAE or LU EAP 70%
- NZCEL Level 5 (Academic or Professional Endorsement)
- PTE 58 overall score - with no communicative skill less than 50
- Language Cert: C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS) with HIGH PASS and no less than Pass in each skill or C2 Mastery IESOL (LRWS) with PASS and no less than Pass in each skill
相关专业学士学位 (最后1年或最后3个学期成绩70%以上); 简历; 以下2个硕士无需专业背景要:
- 相关专业学士学位,成绩优秀(最后1年成绩70%以上),
- 2个教授推荐表格;专业兴趣陈述; 简历等
- 相关专业学士和研究型硕士学位 (硕士成绩优秀75%以上)
- 2个教授推荐表格
- 博士研究计划;硕士论文概要;简历等