
Change your study

Students at Lincoln University can change their study direction. Once you’re enrolled in a programme, you’re not locked in

You can change your degree, major, course and even your supervisor with consultation. 

Things to consider 

Before you make a change to your study, there are a few things we ask you to consider: 

  • Will the change impact your qualification or mean it takes you longer to complete what’s required to graduate? 
  • Will it have any impact on how you fund your study through a loan, allowance or scholarship? 
  • What prompts you to think about making a change? Is it because you’re not properly engaged with what you’re studying? Or are you not ‘clicking’ with your supervisor? Are you feeling overwhelmed?  
  • Perhaps you want to add depth to your programme? Have a look at the additional majors that can be added to most Bachelor degree programmes.  

Get the right advice 

Before you change anything, talk to your Course Advisor. If you’re not sure who that is, contact the Liaison team. You might also want to chat with our Careers team to see what direction your study could take you in. 

If you’re struggling with study or anything else to do with student life, our Wheako Tauira | Student Experience team will be able to help. 

Making a change to study 

If you are certain you want to make a change, send your request to change through your student account in LUCAS. Click the Enrol tile and look for the Program/Plan Change Request tab. Check the enrolment deadlines in the Key Dates to ensure you get your request in before the final date to make changes.  The Admission and Enrolment staff in the Student Administration office will be happy to provide further advice.

Changing your supervisor 

The first step to changing your supervisor is being clear about the circumstances behind your decision. Your course of action will also be influenced by how comfortable you are in raising your concerns. Have a chat with the Primary Supervisor first to discuss your rationale and nominate a suitable replacement. Or seek help from the Faculty Post Graduate Coordinator to negotiate the change. 

Alternatively, you can chat to the LUSA Student Voice and Advocacy representative.