Ellen Pryor, Bachelor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing
Ellen is a recent Bachelor of Agribusiness and Food Marketing graduate, and she was thrilled by the world of new opportunities that opened up for her when she began attending Lincoln in 2017
Ko Ruawahia me Putauaki nga maunga
Ko Te Awa o te Atua me Rangitaiki ngā awa
Ko Te Arawa me Matatua ngā waka
Ko Ngāti Rangitihi me Ngāti Awa ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Rangitihi me Ngā Maihi ngā hapū
Ko Rangiaohia me Tūteao ngā marae
Ko Ellen Pryor āhau
Ko te tūmanako o Ellen, ko te para i te huarahi mo te hunga e whai ake.
Ko tāna tūranga ko te tumuaki o te rōpu Te Awhioraki, kei te tipu tonu ia i roto i tēnei mahi kia tutuki pai ia ki tāna e tūmanako ana.
As part of her study programme, she learned about cutting-edge approaches to food production, which will meet the needs of a growing world population while addressing the constraints of finite resources.
She also discovered how to meet increasing demands for high-quality food products. The degree includes 18 weeks of practical work, where students work in the food industry and are exposed to agricultural and horticultural production systems.
The hands-on learning style at Lincoln particularly impressed Ellen, who says the practical experiences she was exposed to in her courses really helped to consolidate what she learnt in class.
But as former Tumuaki (President) of Te Awhioraki, the Māori students’ association on campus, she covered more than course work.
“I learned more about Māori culture at Lincoln than I ever had before and one of my goals is getting that recognised more,” she says.
In 2018, Ellen was awarded a Sir Turi Carroll Scholarship, aimed at Māori students studying for land-based degrees.
Sir Turi attended Lincoln from 1910-1912 and made many achievements in the field of Māori development.
“Lincoln helped me to grow so much,” Ellen says. “Before I came to university, I was living in Auckland, working in the food and wine industry. But I wanted to get an academic qualification to improve my career prospects.
“I felt like I wasn’t really achieving as much as I would have liked to back then, but now I’ve got a degree, which is so amazing.”
He purapura i ruia mai i Rangiātea e kore e ngaro.