
Mihi Whakatau

E kā manu pī o te wao, tēnei te karaka, tēnei te reo pōhiri kia whakatau mai kā kaimahi hou, kā tauira hou ki Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki.

E kā manu pī o te wao, tēnei te karaka, tēnei te reo pōhiri kia whakatau mai kā kaimahi hou, kā tauira hou ki Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki.

An invitation to participate in the Whakatau (Welcome).

Whakatau for new staff and students is a time where current staff and students have the opportunity to welcome new whānau members.

This is an opportunity to experience our core values in practice.

Watch the videos to learn about Mihi Whakatau.

and our waiata.


Have questions?

Contact Wheako Tauira Student Experience or come to talk to us at the Main Reception on the ground floor in the Hudson building.