Collective action the focus of final sustainability hui
11 June 2021 | Corporate News
An upcoming online hui centred around the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will focus on taking collective action to achieve sustainability.
The hui is the last of three in the 2020-2021 Aotearoa/Sustainable Development Goals Summit Series, which Lincoln University is co-hosting with the University of Canterbury.
Called Working Together for Change, the event is scheduled for Thursday 24 June and concentrates specifically on SDG 17: Partnerships for Goals. Register now via Humanitix.
Building on kōrero from the first two hui, it will include panel discussions, an interactive workshop stream and a creative activity.
Participants will delve into topics ranging from intergenerational conversations and justice to the SDGs within the context of Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific. They can also take the opportunity to participate in more in-depth discussions and spend extra time in small workshop groups to consolidate their learning.
An interactive workshop with Plant and Food Research and Proxima Consulting will include information on using the FutureFit carbon footprint calculator as an impact tool for business.
Additionally, Ronja Levers, Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa (Project Manager) at Hui E! Community Aotearoa will provide an update on the creation of an SDG Alliance.
The first hui of the series, held last November, aimed to facilitate an understanding of the SDGs, while the second looked at Aotearoa New Zealand’s performance against the goals and explored how individuals could play a part in meeting them. Check out footage of the first two hui on the Aotearoa NZ SDG Summit Series YouTube page.
Following the third hui, an in-person Summit Event on 2-3 September will investigate the role of collaboration and positive systemic change.
The United Nations has called for a “decade of action” to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the 17 SDGs provide a framework to achieve this.
The Summit Series fits well with Lincoln University’s Sustainability Policy, which outlines the institution’s commitment to international leadership in promoting and achieving sustainable practices.
Lincoln made a massive leap in the 2020 GreenMetric World University Rankings, achieving a near perfect score in the Education indicator, reflecting the fact that sustainability issues underpin many of the institution’s courses, research and publications.
The university also gained significant increases in Energy and Climate Change, as well as Waste and Transportation, with its bold objective to be carbon neutral by 2030 and cease the combustion of coal by 2024 receiving a $4.6m investment from the Government’s Clean Powered Public Service Fund last year.
Lincoln is delighted to lend its support to the Summit Series, and the final hui encapsulates the need to come together to make change possible.
Read more about Sustainability at Lincoln.