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Sahiti inspires cultural diversity on campus

19 May 2023 | News

Sahiti Peddisetti is passionate about promoting an inclusive environment on campus.

The Master of Science in Food Innovation student was profiled last month in The Indian Weekender as a result of her steadfast commitment to ensuring that Lincoln University is a welcoming place for all. 

Involved in several student clubs and societies, Sahiti works tirelessly to plan cultural events and  celebrate different ethnicities.

"Since high school, I've been actively involved in arts and cultural committees and always applied for every opportunity that came my way," she told The Indian Weekender. "I think I followed the same passion through university," she said.

Born in Auckland and growing up in Christchurch, Sahiti sees herself as "somewhere in between domestic and international, due to my upbringing and experiences as a Kiwi-born Indian". 

Her impressive list of credentials on campus includes being part of the executive team for the Agriculture and Life Sciences Society, a club aimed at connecting like-minded students, and acting as president of the Lincoln University International and Cultural Society (LUICS). 

"In addition, I am part of Te Roopu Wheako Tauira, the Student Experience Team (SET) at Lincoln University. Through SET, I facilitated and participated in Mental Health Awareness Week and New Zealand Chinese Language Week events," she said. 

"As a class representative, I actively provide feedback to the university by closely communicating with the faculty dean, the Lincoln University Students' Association, course examiners and classmates. I also volunteer as a student buddy and mentor, assisting new students."

Sahiti's passion for arts and culture plays a key role in her activities and has received significant recognition at Lincoln, winning her the Cultural Excellence Person of the Year Award, as well as a Gold Award for Cultural Excellence at the Lincoln University Blues and Golds Awards last year. 

She said studying at Lincoln had helped her to grow as a person and was enthusiastic about the many opportunities and mentoring she had received from the university's leadership. 

"I also look up to the amazing wahine in leadership and research at Lincoln, such as my supervisors and staff members who contribute to the community through service."

Learn more about Sahiti in last month's Indian Weekender article