Lincoln diploma study helps in competition and career
21 June 2022 | News
Receiving a scholarship during his studies at Lincoln University also secured a career for FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand Finalist Tom Adkins.
While studying for his Diploma in Farm Management, a qualification that he says directly aided his run for the title, the former Lincoln University Young Farmers member was awarded a Lone Star Farms scholarship.
Interested in the Diploma in Farm Management?
Find out moreThe scholarship offers an opportunity to work for Lone Star Farms and also provides financial assistance.
Since completing the diploma, Tom has spent the past two years working as a block manager, running 33,000 stock units on Caberfeidh Station, a 6000-hectare farm in Waimate's Hakataramea Valley.
Check out what he has to say about his time at Lincoln and don’t forget to vote for him in the People's Choice Awards.