Electric bike charging stations come to campus
02 March 2022 | News
New infrastructure promoting sustainable transport use is being installed on campus today.
Locky Dock secure parking and charging stations for e-bikes, as well as e-scooters and conventional cycles, which you can access by using a free app, or your Metrocard, are now at Lincoln, outside the George Forbes building.
They are made of reinforced steel and have cameras, and let users charge their bike for free, though they need to bring their own charger.
The installation reflects the aim of Lincoln University's Sustainability Plan to increase and encourage more cycling to Lincoln to reduce carbon emissions from travel to campus.
The University's is committed to being carbon neutral by 2030 and achieving carbon zero by 2050, which also includes measures such as extensive installation of solar panels on campus.
Another set of Locky Docks is planned for outside Whare Hākinakina LU Gym later in the year.