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Major honour for Lincoln’s Dryland Pastures Research Group

07 October 2022 | News

The ground-breaking work of Lincoln University’s Dryland Pastures Research Group was honoured at the recent Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards, held in Napier’s War Memorial Centre.

The group received the first gong of the evening, the Ballance Science and Research Award, in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the sector, which has transformed sheep and beef systems over the past two decades.

Professor Derrick Moot, who leads the group, said the researchers encourage the use of legume dominance to address low nitrogen – the main impediment to production in farm systems.

"We have spent 20 years refining and promoting lucerne and subterranean clover grazing management practices to add resilience to summer dry properties throughout the country.

"Our work has transformed thousands of hectares of east coast hill country from Central Otago to Gisborne."

The group has successfully promoted their science at more than 100 field days, featured dominantly at NZ Grassland Association Conferences and created a range of resources to support farmers wanting science-based information to change farm systems.

Through more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, they have developed case studies demonstrating that their science drives on-farm animal productivity, financial viability and social acceptance through a reduced environmental footprint.

Professor Moot said the judges at the awards dinner commented specifically on "the impact of the group across farm types and regions of New Zealand".

The Beef + Lamb NZ Awards are a celebration of the people, innovation, technologies and management systems that fuel the world-leading credentials of the country’s grass-based red meat industry.

Image: Lincoln University's Dryland Pastures Group has been transforming sheep and beef systems over the past two decades.

Learn about the work of the Dryland Pastures Research Group

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