
New leader keen to hear from students

17 December 2021 | News

The new President of the Lincoln University Student's Association (LUSA), Jeremy Kilgour, is keen to tell his fellow students just what his role is, and what LUSA does.

He has the goal for his 12-month term heading the body of getting more student input about the functioning of LUSA, and makjing students more aware of its operations.

Jeremy is still a student, though the role is full-time, and he is working towards a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours degree, so he still has that perspective.

He is also heavily involved in club-life at Lincoln, specifically the Young Farmers and Hunting Clubs.

He has competed in the Lincoln University sponsored Young Farmers of the Year competition, though he may be too busy for another tilt at the title next year.

Hailing from a family farm in North Canterbury the 22 -year-old’s resume includes numerous stints as a dairy farm worker, as well as sheep and deer, and that’s where he sees his future, as a rural advisor helping farmers.

He is envisaging drop-in sessions where students can come and meet their LUSA representatives and find out how they can advocate for them, and the support they can provide.

“I want everyone to know what we do,” he said.

“We are well known for events, but not well known for other things we offer such as advocacy and financial assistance. If you have any issues about anything at Lincoln, you can come to us”. 

He ran for the job because he saw ways he could enhance the role and has a new team around him on the Student Executive.

He wants more interest in standing for LUSA and will be visiting lecture theatres early in 2022 to talk to students  about his goals.

Jeremy praised the work of his predecessor Gregory Fleming, who oversaw an exciting year, despite the tribulations of COVID.