
New Tumuaki keen to maintain legacy of whanaungatanga

28 January 2022 | News

The new Tumuaki of Lincoln University’s Te Awhioraki Māori Students' Association, Harris Moana, is keen to follow in the footsteps of his predecessors.

The proud descendant of Waikato and Ngāti Maniapoto decided to run for Tumuaki so he could continue the good work done by those in the role before him "and help strengthen the whanaungatanga within the Māori students at Lincon University".

"Having that feeling of being surrounded by others the same as you helps you feel more comfortable, so being able to provide that feeling of whanaungatanga to new, current and future Māori students is something I aim to do during my time here."

Harris is entering his third year of a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree, having moved south from Waikato to study, and he's a former pupil of St Paul's Collegiate in Hamilton.

“I chose to study at Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki because I enjoyed being in the outdoors and on farm. The science aspect occurred because I found doing experiments and watching explosive reactions occur fascinating.”

As a current student, he said he could readily identify with the needs of other students.

“To the new students, I’m a student like you so I understand the nerves and stress that uni life can give, but I’ll always be open for a kōrero whenever you need it."

Harris expressed enthusiasm about taking on the role.

“For 2022, the Te Awhioraki executive is relatively young, but keen and eager to provide and support the Māori students alongside Te Manutaki during their time of study.”