
Scholarship contributes to National Science Challenge

15 June 2021 | Students News

Faye White is continuing her Lincoln adventure after securing a Master of Applied Science Research Scholarship to contribute to the National Science Challenge, Sustainable Seas.

Originally from the United Kingdom, but now calling Aotearoa New Zealand home, she said she had been fortunate enough to enjoy the experiences and challenges of travelling and working worldwide.


“My adventures from the Amazon to Antarctica, have inspired me to seek further education, and so I completed a bachelor’s in environmental management degree at Lincoln University.


Now she is undertaking research for her master’s degree through receiving the scholarship.


Sustainable Seas addresses the question of how we can best develop our marine economy, while protecting the taonga of our marine environment.


Lincoln University is co-leading research into law, policy, and practice options to bring about ecosystem-based management (EBM) for Aotearoa New Zealand’s coastal marine area.


“My research aims to develop an enriched understanding of how the framework of EBM might be implemented in Aotearoa in a way that is also 'just' for communities and industry.


“I am pleased to be working with the Policy and Legislation for EBM project team, under the supervision of Associate Professor Hamish Rennie and Dr Steve Urlich.  A big thanks to the Sustainable Seas team for taking me on board.”


She said Lincoln University offered “a beautiful and supportive place to learn throughout my degree”.


“The wide variety of classes has enabled me to learn about environmental challenges that are faced worldwide, and more specifically in Aotearoa.


“Furthermore, the staff have truly supported me in finding my passions and excelling academically.”


She said the hard work had paid off in helping her secure the scholarship.


Learn more about the project she’ll be part of here.