
Team of the Year in Qatar for World Cup

09 November 2023 | News

Lincoln University's 3X3 women’s basketball side, named Team of the Year at the Blues and Golds Awards, are in Qatar at the FISU University World Cup.

The national tertiary champions will play in the capital Doha, and new team member Maddy Timms said she was really excited to be at the event for the first time, competing against other countries and experiencing another part of the world.

Maddie, who was also given an individual Blues Award, is a member of Lincoln's 5X5 basketball side, and a Mainland Pouakai development player.

The team film a promotional reel for FISU

Lauryn Hippolite, who went to the World Cup in Turkey last year, said they had all worked hard to get there and had sacrificed a lot. She finishes her studies this year so it will be her last trip.

"I am looking forward to playing with my mates internationally, it’s the perfect ending to my time at Lincoln".

Rosalia Samia and Kate Herman also made the trip to Turkey in 2022, and were happy to have another opportunity.

Rosalia said the organisers always created a great atmosphere at the event while Kate said she loved last year's event and playing against other countries.

Lincoln women's 3X3 teams have made the trip to the World Cup several times previously, which have also been held in China.

The event will be livestreamed on Facebook from 10 November.

The team in Doha: Kate, left, manager Hoani Smith, Maddy, Lauryn and Rosalia