
Urban background, but future is on the land

10 March 2021 | Students News

Fergus Lee may have grown up in Auckland, and his school may not have taught agriculture, but he has just started studying for a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and loves it.

The former Rosmini College pupil and Future Leader Scholar does have strong connections to the land, however.

“Both my parents come from farming backgrounds – my mum from a sheep and beef farm in Hawke’s Bay, and my dad from a dairy farm in the west of Ireland,” he says.

 “Since a young age, I have also gone down to my cousin’s sheep and beef farm in North Hawke’s Bay. I took a liking to the farming lifestyle.

 “I’ve also worked on my uncle’s farm in Ireland a couple of times, so I have got a little understanding of dairy too.

“I enjoyed sciences in school which is why I choose to do a Bachelor of Agricultural Science degree.”

After he completes his study, Fergus hopes to travel the world and work on different farms, especially in Ireland, and possibly work for some soil science companies.

He has Lincoln connections, as two of his cousins studied at the university.

“They told me great stories about their times here.”

Fergus says that his first few weeks on campus have been “great fun”.

“I found talking to new people and making friends was a lot easier than anticipated. The Future Leader orientation was also brilliant for meeting like-minded people from all over New Zealand, and it really made me feel comfortable in a new environment.”