MGMT 026
Horticultural Management Systems A
Course overview
You’ll grow your knowledge of horticultural enterprise systems, identify the components and the relationships between them and also look at commercial management, production economics and enterprise budgeting.
Course information
Prerequisites and Restrictions | You must satisfy the following requirement(s):
Available semesters | Semester 1 2025 |
Credits | 15 |
Domestic fees | $1,017.00 |
What you will learn
After successfully completing this course, you’ll be able to:
1. Identify how different types of horticultural systems in New Zealand are managed.
2. Explain the importance of horticulture in the New Zealand economy.
3. Explain how New Zealand’s agribusiness and financial systems operate, and how land and other assets are valued, including options for the acquisition of capital and finance.
4. Analyse physical and financial data for a horticultural enterprise.
Course examiners

Gagan Jain
Lecturer, Horticultural Systems Management
Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce