
MGMT 634

Research for Agricultural Systems Managers

Course overview

You’ll examine how business research fits into the decision-making process and the theory behind it. To do that, you’ll use quantitative and qualitative techniques to gather and analyse data.

Course information

Prerequisites and Restrictions You must satisfy the following requirement(s):
  • restriction Applied Research Methods, ACCT-614
  • restriction Action Research and Managementt Learning, BMGT-681
  • restriction Research for Managers, COMM-605
  • restriction Applied Research Methods, ECON-615
  • restriction Management Research Methods, MGMT-611
  • restriction Advanced Marketing Research, MKTG-620
Available semesters Semester 2 2024
Credits 20
Domestic fees $1,394.00

What you will learn

After successfully completing this course, you’ll be able to:

  1. Critically discuss the types of research approaches to basic and complex business problems.
  2. Correctly identify the types of research providers that would have the capabilities to carry out business research.
  3. Provide a competent evaluation of a variety of business problems and correctly formulate research questions.
  4. Develop a workable tender document (Request for Proposal) to answer a specific set of research questions in their discipline area.
  5. Critically evaluate alternative research proposals for their suitability for helping to solve specific business problems.
  6. Correctly interpret the research reports for important business problems in their discipline.

Course examiners

Simeon Kaitibie

Simeon Kaitibie

Associate Professor

Faculty of Agribusiness and Commerce