
MGMT 699

Research Placement

Course overview

Participate in a research project in collaboration with either an external organisation (in the public or private sector), or a researcher at Lincoln University, and submit a research report reviewing literature and documenting the research undertaken and any conclusions reached. Topics may be chosen within the area of agricultural management and agribusiness.

Course information

Prerequisites and Restrictions You must satisfy the following requirement(s):

Your Academic Program is M.Management in Agribusiness, 7205


your Academic Program is M.Mgmt in Agricultural Systems, 7206

Available semesters Semester 2 2024
Credits 20
Domestic fees $1,394.00

What you will learn

After successfully completing this course, you'll be able to: 

  • Appreciate the research process and address a specific research question through working collaboratively with an appropriate person, group or industry organisation.
  • Use appropriate methods to develop and/or collate and analyse information and data linked to the research question
  • Evaluate new and challenging problems and situations with an open mind, with the aim of finding acceptable solutions
  • Apply critical and reasoned thinking to all activities and situations
  • Work in a new workplace environment and provide value to the organisation.


Course examiners

Sharon Lucock

Dr Sharon Lucock

Senior Lecturer

Department of Agribusiness and Markets