
Brian Aspin Memorial Scholarship

The Livestock Improvement Corporation and the Aspin family established scholarships for two post-graduate students to undertake either Honours or Masters for up to two years study.

Brian Aspin was a passionate dairy farmer who had a 38 year association with LIC. He was an AB Technician, an AB Supervisor, Liaison Farmer and then a Shareholder Councillor. He died of cancer in 2011.

Brian’s widow, Alma, has very generously asked for his legacy with LIC to continue through a Scholarship designed to build agricultural skills and disciplines, which will benefit the dairy industry of the future.

Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) is a cooperative. The company has a proud history, having pioneered several key initiatives that today provide New Zealand dairy farmers with their competitive edge on the world stage. Examples include the systematic herd testing of milk quality, the distribution of Long Last Liquid (fresh) semen, and the introduction of DNA technology to genomically identify and select elite sires.

LIC works to continuously improve dairy cow performance. A significant part of this responsibility is to provide reproductive solutions that suit the needs of individual farming customers. World-class research has been central to the success and standing of LIC both in New Zealand and internationally and is fundamental to its future.

LIC is privileged to match the $5,000 donated by the Aspin family, generating a total scholarship fund of $10,000 per year for two post-graduate students to undertake either Honours or Masters for up to two years study. Students are required to undertake study at either Massey or Lincoln Universities.



Closing Date

9 March

Selection Criteria

Graduate students undertaking either Honours or Masters in Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Science (majoring in areas such as, Agricultural Biotechnolgy, Biochemistry or Animal Science).

Academic ability with special emphasis on Agriculture.

A commitment to working in the Agricultural disciplines and developing a career in Agriculture.


  • Available to New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident Students

