
Horticulture New Zealand Scholarships

Every year Horticulture New Zealand offers scholarships that are open to students who have a special interest in the fruit or vegetable industry and are undergoing significant industry education.

In 2022 the following scholarships are available:

$10,000 HortNZ Postgraduate Scholarship

This Scholarship is available to people undertaking postgraduate study in horticulture or related fields.

$10,000 NZ Fruitgrowers' Charitable Trust Postgraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is available to people undertaking postgraduate study specifically related to the fruit industry.

$1,500 HortNZ Undergraduate Scholarship

Scholarships are available to support people undertaking undergraduate study in horticulture or related fields.

Scholars will receive an all-inclusive professional development program including travel, accommodation and registration to the 2022 Horticulture New Zealand conference.

In addition, the top three applicants nationally will be awarded an additional $3,000 to support the individual’s studies as a Horticentre Trust Scholar.

For more information visit Horticulture NZ.

Closing Date

10 December

Selection Criteria

All scholarships are tenable for one year.

Please note that these scholarships do not cover Wine, Arable or Amenity Industries.

The Selection Team will be looking for: Commitment, potential contribution to the industry, past achievements, individual approach, qualities and skills and Referees' comments.


  • Available to New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident Students