PhDs available in joint postgraduate school
15 October 2021 | News
We are pleased to announce 17 available PhD positions within the Food Transitions 2050 Joint Postgraduate School, to begin in March 2022.
Food Transitions 2050 is a new strategic partnership initiative between five research organisations located in the Canterbury region: AgResearch, Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, Plant & Food Research, Lincoln University and the University of Canterbury.
At the heart of Food Transitions 2050 is a Joint Postgraduate School - a virtual community of PhD students and their university/CRI supervisory teams, conducting cross-disciplinary research to support the transition of our regional, national and international food systems to a future, more sustainable, state.
Within the overarching theme of Food Transitions 2050, we are offering scholarships ($28,000 per year plus study fees) for 17 projects under our four sub-themes:
• Food and future landscapes
• Food for a zero carbon future
• Food consumer transitions
• Food governance
Students involved in the Joint Postgraduate School receive peer support, along with regular opportunities for collaboration, connection and peer-to-peer learning across disciplines.
The school also offers workshops focusing around the development of ‘soft skills’ and the sharing of knowledge and experiences. Because the students begin at the same time these development opportunities can be targeted at the appropriate stage of their PhD journey.
Applications close 5 November 2021. For more details and to apply, visit see the Food Transitions 2050 website.